Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tiffany's Birthday!

So this is my first time doing a post for our blog. Tiffany suggested I do it nearly a month ago closer to her actual birthday but I got forgetful...for shame! I'd remember each weekend only to forget immediately afterward. So here I am making amends.

Tiffany's birthday fell on a Tuesday this year, which means the potential enjoyment/celebration time was shorted by a work day. So the weekend prior to it, Her mom had us over to celebrate.Baking for the ocassion, what I must say was a very tasty cake.

Now since her birthday was on a weekday and we wouldn't get to spend all of it together, I wanted to do what I could to make the day speical for her. I ordered her irises to be delieved to her work on the day, blue, white and yellow ones for variety, that should have been very pretty. As it turned out they were all blue except for two white ones which was a bit of a gip. I would normally have shared a photo of them at this point but we got them home that weekend and they immedately begain whilting with alarming speed before it occured to me to take a picture hah, so the only photographic record remains on Tiffanys cell phone.

For my birthday last November Tiffany got me Blue Men and the day was all around the best birthday I'd ever had, so I knew that would be very hard to top.

Tiffany had a budding interest in classical guitar, and had borrowed a normal acoustic with metal strings from her mom who generously offered it for her to pratice on. I decided it would be fun to suprise her with exactly the guitar she wanted and stopped herself from buying, a Washburn classical guitar with the nylon strings and here is the result:She seemed to like it a lot :) and was suprised so mission accompished!A nice new spiffy guitar by its self is a great thing but forseeing the question Tiffany would ask "Is there a case for it?" I conspired with her sister Lisa who ended up gettibng Tiff a really nice heavy duity guitar case and strap, to complete the guitar birthday package.With a very cool green interior.
Thanks again Lisa!

Having had that delicious cake Louise baked on the weekend, I still wanted Tiffany to have a cake on her birthday. Back in 07 my first year living here Tiffany got me a cake and used a frosting cake decorator to write me a birthday message like so:

as you can see she did a really good job of writing on it, and it was a lovely cake until... IT WENT UP IN FLAMES BWHAHAHA!!!! (not really)So I decided it would be good fun this year to try it writing on a cake myself although that green frosting on my cake had tasted rather bad, it was a risk I was willing to take. Unfortunately I pigeonholed myself by buying the two layer cake and limiting the surface area I had to work with. So instead I for the initials inside a heart even though it doesn't look much like a heart. I have to say that Tiff did a much better job on my cake, but I did have fun doing it. (and the frosting tasted better.)

Now I can see why I haven't contributed to the blog so far I went on for entirely too long. Anyone who began to read this post, very likely have fallen asleep in their computer chairs and are drooling on their keyboards, forgive me for my wordiness. Irregardless I had lots of fun writing it.


Lisa said...

Great job on the post. I love the pictures! I confess if I tried to do pictures on my blog, I'd blog a lot less, 'cause I'd never remember to get them off the camera. :D

Hilton Cowboys said...

hope you had a Happy Birthday Tiffany! Great job on the post Dan- Im impressed... and the cake... pretty thoughtful!